The Parish Office, Church Lane, Weybridge, Surrey, KT13 8DN   |   01932 856399

Friends of St James’

For more than 800 years a church has stood on the site of St James’. The church is not only an important part of Weybridge’s architectural heritage, but also a beautiful landmark that gives Weybridge its unique character.

Since the formation of the Association in 1988, the Friends of St James’ (FOSJ) have raised over £200,000 towards church building / fabric and essential maintenance projects.


Our events and meetings are open to all!

FOSJ AGM Sunday 23rd February, 11.30am in the small hall. Come along and help contribute to our vision and fundraising in support of our beautiful Town Centre building and local landmark. If you know of anyone who might possibly be interested in joining the Friends in helping to preserve our beautiful church building, please do invite them along.  Anyone can attend, although of course only members may vote.  (Application forms to join will be available.) Contact Carole Merritt for more information – – 01932 845174.

FOSJ fund-raising Quiz 29th March, with more details to follow soon.



Feasibility Report May 2016

Feasibility Report May 2016

Guy Beringer Articles

Guy Beringer’s Articles for the Parish Magazine

St James’ Campaign

The Future of St James’ Weybridge?