The Parish Office, Church Lane, Weybridge, Surrey, KT13 8DN   |   01932 856399

Mother’s Union

Weybridge Mothers’ Union, St James’ branch, is within the Diocese of Guildford Mothers’ Union –

Members belong to the Worldwide network of Mothers’ Union which has 4 million members in over 80 countries –

Our commitment is to our faith, fellowship and social justice. Membership is open to everyone, from all walks of life and whatever their circumstances. MU members will be found in all departments of parish life in St James’.

Mothers’ Union in St James’ supports Mothers’ Union worldwide programmes and local families who are suffering from financial hardship. Over the years, this branch has established a relationship of mutual trust with local Health Visitors and the Children’s Centre who have first hand knowledge of families in need.

Nurturing young families within our own church congregation is important to Mothers’ Union so we offer support to our Sunday School, provide posies for Mothering Sunday and distribute Easter Eggs on Easter Day.