The Parish Office, Church Lane, Weybridge, Surrey, KT13 8DN   |   01932 856399


I want to encourage everyone in our church family, old and young, to make a will, review it regularly and consider leaving a gift to our Parish Church through your will.

Many of us give a proportion of our income to support our church every week. But we are stewards of everything we own, not just our income.

As Christians, we should consider giving a proportion of all that we have to support the mission of our church too.

Writing a will helps secure the future of the people you love. Leaving a gift in your will helps secure our Church’s future.

Think about it; pray about it; talk about it; find out more about it – and then please act upon it!

The Reverend Brian Prothero

Rector of St James, Weybridge


Why it matters?

  • Make sure you are prepared practically as well as spiritually. Whatever your age, write a will and keep it up to date.
  • Without a will, your loved ones could face a lot of trouble, work and expense after your death. Without a will, a court could decide how to distribute your goods and who should look after your children.
  • Many Christians give regularly and proportionately from their income. Why not give proportionately from your estate too?
  • A gift in your will helps our church to live out our dreams and mission in this community.
  • It’s a way to thank God for all the gifts of our lifetime, and to hand on undimmed the legacy we’ve received from past Christians (our building, our faith) to future generations.
  • Leaving a gift in your will is tax efficient and can reduce the amount of inheritance tax you pay.


Our Legacy Policy

“The good leave an inheritance to their children’s children” Proverbs 13:22


  • James’ welcomes gifts, however large or small, in wills and encourages members of the congregation and others having a positive interest in the parish, to remember St. James in their bequests.
  • Such legacies should be made to promote Christ’s work so that there is a balance between the interests and aspirations of the donor and the everchanging needs of the parish.


We strongly advise you to see an independent solicitor when writing or amending your will. You can also speak to any member of the Stewardship Group in our Parish via the Parish Office.