The Parish Office, Church Lane, Weybridge, Surrey, KT13 8DN   |   01932 856399

Stewardship & Donations

Supporting St James Ministry, Mission and Fabric – your gift back to God.

As Christian people, we are called by God to service, just as Jesus’ own disciples were called to gather people into God’s Kingdom. This is our mission and to achieve this God has made each one of us unique, with different and varied gifts. These gifts, or talents, are the building blocks of our Christian common life. 

When we think about our giving in the service of God, we are not simply thinking about our financial support which pays for the mission, ministry and upkeep of the church; this is a good place to start, but there are also practical and spiritual things, for we all have a part to play in the day to day running of our church by giving our time. Indeed, there are so many ways in which we can play a part in the life of this church and community at the heart of Weybridge.

That being said, financial donations are essential for the life of St James’ Church, not least to cover the ongoing costs of our ministry and mission. As we reflect upon our giving we want to encourage ‘holy habits’ within our church community, so that giving of our time and our money become second nature. Most people want to be generous, and we are so thankful for the generosity, love, time and faithfulness of so many. This reflects our inclusive nature, as everyone plays their own part – Thank you. 

As we reflect upon our various gifts so we recognise that God is generous and good and all that we have is of his bounty, and comes from the Creator in the beginning. The scriptures remind us of this: “But who am I, and what are my people, that we should be able to make this freewill-offering? For all things come from you, and of your own have we given you.” (See: 1 Chronicles 29:14)

Proportional Giving

To help you work out how much you could contribute towards supporting this challenge we are asking everyone to consider Proportional Giving – an amount based on your income. We are also asking everyone to consider adding a  Legacy to their will to help support St James’ Church well into the future.

Together, as the family of faith, there is no challenge that we can’t overcome if our focus and desire is the building-up of God’s Kingdom and the offering of the very best of who we are in worship – and how exciting that really is! Thank you for all that you bring to this community at the heart of Weybridge, and we hope very much that you will be able to be more involved over time and enjoy our life together. God is busy here in Weybridge bringing about His kingdom on earth, as it is in heaven – be a part of that inclusive journey!

The Parish Giving Scheme

The Parish Giving Scheme (PGS) enables you to give a regular direct financial donation to St James’ Church, securely and safely online. This is much easier than needing to bring cash to church and it can automatically include gift-aid, which is so important to us as a charity. Indeed, the PGS is the most efficient way of regular giving to support St James’ Church. Please click the link below and select ‘Regular Giving’ to set up a monthly, quarterly, or annual Direct Debit. Thank you.

Thank you for supporting St James’ Church, Weybridge with a financial donation.

When making your donation please:

  1. Consider Gift Aid if you can – we can claim an extra 25p for every £1 you donate. (Let us know if you need a Gift Aid declaration.)
  1. Use the Parish Giving Scheme (PGS) which is the most efficient method for regular giving. A monthly donation to St James’ helps us to budget as we seek to grow our mission to Weybridge while maintaining our buildings for the use of all. that is why access for all is so important to us.

Donations can be made in the following ways:

One off: CAFDonate – using or scan the QR code

Cheque – payable to St James’ Weybridge PCC, sent to the Treasurer via the Parish Office, 27 Church Street, Weybridge, KT13 8DF.

BACS – payment via BACS to our bank account (Weybridge Parochial Church Council) a/c 32909810 and sort code 60-23-34

Details of donations made will be securely held and limited to our finance team, a facility for anonymous donations can be made available on request. Acknowledgments of donations will be sent by the fundraising team.

Regular Donation via the Parish Giving Scheme (PGS):

Parish Office: 27 Church Street, Weybridge, KT13 8DF.

01932 856399

Registered Charity – 1130714