The Flower Arrangers Group organises flowers for the church (reflecting the church’s calendar) and special occasions including weddings.
The flowers for the regular church services and festivals are arranged on Friday mornings at 9.30. There are about a dozen arrangers who are on a rota and so take turns to be on duty, in twos or threes.
The group welcomes anyone who loves flowers and would like to join them as an arranger, no special experience is required. If you are interested in joining the group you would be very welcome to come along on a Friday to talk to those on duty. The group works collaboratively but Lesley Behrendt draws up the rota and is the lead point of contact for anyone wishing to join (her contact details are below).
St James’ also has a scheme whereby people are invited to sponsor flowers in church. We invite people to sponsor the church flowers for a week or a month perhaps to mark an anniversary, a special occasion or in memory of a loved one.
Enquiries about general church flowers or sponsorship to Lesley Behrendt (01932 840571 or
N.B. the church is closed during the coronavirus emergency so flowers are not currently being arranged.
The Flower Arrangers Group also arranges the flowers in church for weddings: two of our arrangers have professional qualifications and take the lead on these. Anyone wishing to discuss wedding flowers should contact Jeanette Colton (contact details below).
Enquiries about wedding flowers to Jeanette Colton (07957 904177 or